Legal Protection of Children as a Victim Exploitation

Aras Firdaus;

  • Aras Firdaus


Crimes that occur in the community tend to be done by adults as well as victims who are adults as well. However, at this time children are also victims of crime, for example, child exploitation. The phenomenon of child labor is a picture of how complex the problem of children. In spite of all these things, honor, awareness and protection of human rights are exalted throughout the world. Since the beginning of the declaration of human rights, the sharing of universal regulation has been issued in support of human rights protection in the world. Safeguards are also followed by law enforcement for the sake of consistent human rights. If we talk about the phenomenon of child labor, the direct human rights field is the right of the child. Both internationally and in Indonesia, issues surrounding the child's life are a major concern for society and government. Many ideal circumstances can solve this social problem. However, other factors such as failure in social institutions also indicate the inability of the government. Based on the description used in this research, that is how the legal forms against children victims of exploitation and how law enforcement officers in taking action against the law of victims of exploitation. To find the answer of the problem, this research is analytical descriptive, the purpose of this research is expected to get a detailed and systematic description of the issues to be studied. Analysis is based on the facts obtained and will be analyzed carefully to answer the problem.

How to Cite
, Aras Firdaus. Legal Protection of Children as a Victim Exploitation. International Conference of ASEAN Prespective and Policy (ICAP), [S.l.], v. 1, n. 1, p. 270-275, oct. 2018. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 12 mar. 2025.

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