Equity and Health Care: The Case of Obesity

John D. Blum;

  • John D. Blum


Changes in lifestyles and increased consumption of unhealthy foods have fueled a global epidemic in obesity which in turn is triggering the development and spread of chronic illnesses. As such, government health policy makers must factor obesity and weight related diseases into an ever expanding array of public health challenges. This essay concerns how legal equities are achieved by governments faced with the need to prioritize resources in addressing obesity matters. The article centers on the application of a basic, elemental health right in reference to weight related illnesses at the micro level, and recommends a corollary obligation by government at the macro level. The primary argument presented is that individual health rights are enhanced by developing basic standards both in guiding, and measuring the performance of public authorities in allocating resources in the obesity arena, as well as in other public health priority making contexts.

How to Cite
, John D. Blum. Equity and Health Care: The Case of Obesity. International Journal of Health Law and Government Policy, [S.l.], v. 3, n. 2, p. 204-211, jan. 2020. Available at: <https://jurnal.pancabudi.ac.id/index.php/healthlaw/article/view/753>. Date accessed: 23 feb. 2025.