Hybrid Power Plant Solar and Wind Power As An Alternative Source In Facing the Fossil Energy Crisis in Sumatera

Zuraidah Tharo; Hamdani; Melly Andriana; Dharmawati;

  • Zuraidah Tharo


Indonesia's primary energy consumption is dominated by oil, gas and coal. The use of fossil fuels for conventional plants continiously will have a serious impact on Indonesia's electricity system. By developing consumption rapidly, it is estimated that without rewenable energy resources and energy efficiency efforts, Indonesia can become an importer of pure oil soon. To reduce fossil fuels consumtion, especially for electricity power generation, the use of environmentally friendly renewable energy must optimized by utilizing the potential of wind and sun as a renewable energy source for rural electrification. The use of the season is very helpful in production hybrid energy, which during the dry season, the sun will play important role, whereas in the rainy season the wind will have more role in producing a source of electrical energy. Both of these energy sources aim to complete each other in optimizing the electricity produced. The concept of a combination or hybrid between solar panels and vertical axis wind tubrine will greatly help accelerate energy charging into battery storage rather than wind and solar energy made separately. From the measurements result of 100wp solar panels and vertical type wind turbines with low rpm <300 which have been combined can produce 700 watts of electricity, which using such power can turn on electricity in one house.


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How to Cite
, Zuraidah Tharo. Hybrid Power Plant Solar and Wind Power As An Alternative Source In Facing the Fossil Energy Crisis in Sumatera. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ISLAMIC EDUCATION, [S.l.], p. 15-21, aug. 2019. Available at: <https://jurnal.pancabudi.ac.id/index.php/ihce/article/view/554>. Date accessed: 10 mar. 2025.