The Pros and Cons of the Using of Frog as a Medical Treatment in Society

Kamaliah Ainun, Kristina, Fitriani Fadhillah, Yetti Fauziah Silalahi;

  • Kamaliah Ainun


Green frog, F. cancrivora, or called farmland frog which is the most hunting for taking its thigh meat not only for  consuming  but also for export commodity because its body’s length is the biggest of all other two types which is almost 120 mm. Karawang is the biggest frog exporter cities followed by Indramayu then Banten. Green frog, F. cancrivora’s thigh meat is harvested from the Karawang farmland reaches up to 153.227 kg in 2014. Green frog has some advantages that can be used in any concerns such as health food, and treatment process due to its pretty much nutritional content and its benefit for health. According to the health reference from some sources, the nutritional compositions in green frog are protein, fat, carbohydrate, calcium, phosphor, zinc, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin C and various kinds of fatty acid. All these substances can give benefits for both health and treatment. There are some differences from the number of Muslim scholars related to consuming animals that live in two natures, both on land and in water. The Indonesian Ulama Fatwa Commission confirms that there are some differences in the opinion of the Syafii sect / Ulama's jumhur about the illegitimacy of eating frog meat and confirming the Maliki school of halal frog meat. The MUI appeal society to choose for consuming health-safe foods and to take out of differences in the views of fuqoha (fiqh experts). Cultivating frogs is taken for granted, not to be eaten since it is against   Islamic teachings.

How to Cite
, Kamaliah Ainun. The Pros and Cons of the Using of Frog as a Medical Treatment in Society. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ISLAMIC EDUCATION, [S.l.], p. 79-84, oct. 2019. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 10 mar. 2025.