The Study of Review of Halal Buying and Selling Transactions

Heriyati Chrisna, Doni Efrizah;

  • Heriyati Chrisna


The study of review of halal buying and selling transactions is the study of literature which analyzes about Islamic view related to todays’ economic transactions having a lot of variety which occurs in society. The study restricts the main issue at either credit sale and purchase or buying and selling online transactions which recently expand. In Islam, economic transaction is a part of regulation and it becomes a significant thing to apply because the failure of doing economic transaction will give an effect of poverty, fraud as well as the occurrence of various social problems. In Al-Quran ,Allah has emphasized that humans spend their property in the right way in sharia, as in Surah Al-Baqarah verse 195. In the greatest sense, the meaning of the verse is spending wealth means doing economic activity in fulfilling the needs of life which certainly involving human with the other one (muamalah), one of the activities is transaction of buying and selling. In Islamic law, the allowable economic transaction have characteristics such as, there must be contract or agreement, trade is conducted which based on like between seller and buyer,  there is no fraud, there is an existence of recording and clarity from transaction. In credit sale and purchase transaction, there are two surahs in Al-Qur’an namely Surah Al-Baqarah verse 212 and 275 then Surah An-Nisa verse 29 that can be theorem of halal in credit sale and purchase.  It is not particularly given in Al-Quran because there is no verse which explains specifically about law of this transaction, but the argument can make Muslims calm because of the general and universal meaning. For selling online transaction, if something that is traded is an item that is not required to be handover in cash of transaction as all kinds of goods except gold, silver, and currency, so transaction can be done on internet. The law is derived (takhrij) form case of sale and purchase through correspondence. According to Majma’ Al Fiqh Al Islami (Division of Fiqh OKI) decision No. 52 (3/6) 1990 - in Journal Majma’ Al Fiqh Al Islami edition VI volume II page 785 that ijab and  qabul to each party who  transact will remain valid in spite of through telephone and internet as though in one place. Disputes among scholars still occur in terms of the physical status of the goods being traded which can’t be witnessed directly by the buyer, but only the forms of images and specifications.

How to Cite
, Heriyati Chrisna. The Study of Review of Halal Buying and Selling Transactions. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ISLAMIC EDUCATION, [S.l.], p. 112-119, oct. 2019. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 05 feb. 2025.