The Concept of Taxes and Financial Performance in Islamic Law (Case Study at Medan Syariah BMT)

Yunita Sari Rioni, Dwi Saraswati, Junawan, Abdul Hasyim Batubara

  • Yunita Sari Rioni


This study aims to analyze the concept of tax and performance of Islamic banking using Maqashid Shariah Index. The concept of tax which is a burden will be analyzed from the aspect of Islamic law. Performance appraisal in Islamic banking is usually only seen from the measurement of financial performance. In this study the performance of Islamic banking will be measured in terms of its shari'a objectives using the maqashid shariah index concept which provides a broader and more effective maqashid shariah concept by dividing it into four objectives and eight elements. The object of the research conducted was Medan Syariah BMT. The type of data used is secondary data in the form of financial reports / annual reports obtained from research objects. The approach of this research is descriptive which refers to the analysis. The results of this study indicate that the term tax in Islamic law is known as the name Adh-Dharibah, which means it is a burden. It is called a burden because it is an additional obligation for assets after zakat, so that in its implementation it will be felt as a burden. In language and tradition, dharibah in its use does have many meanings, but the scholars use the phrase dharibah to refer to the assets collected as an obligation and become one of the sources of State income. By using maqashid shariah index, it can be concluded that the Medan Syariah BMT has the best performance of 46.22%.

How to Cite
, Yunita Sari Rioni. The Concept of Taxes and Financial Performance in Islamic Law (Case Study at Medan Syariah BMT). INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ISLAMIC EDUCATION, [S.l.], p. 147-154, oct. 2019. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 10 mar. 2025.