Physical Characteristics and Hedonic Value of Katako Butter, Using RBD Palm Oil Emulsifier with Coffee Extract Flavor

Martos Havena, Mela Savitri, Sulardi, Bambang Surya Adji Syahputra, Akhmad Rifai Lubis, Refnizuida, Zamriyetti

  • Martos Havena


Biji tarok peanut butter (henceforth: Katako butter) is a food product which has high nutritive value and physical characteristic of butter. The addition of supplementary factorial RAL (complete design) consists of 3 factors with 2 repetitions: RBD PO (Refined Bleached and Deodorized Palm Oil)  (R) with the composition of 0% (R0), 0.5% (R1), 1% (R2), and 1.5% (R3), coffee bean extract (K) with the composition of 0% (K0), 0.5% (K1), 1% (K2), and 1.5% (K3, and the duration of storage (T) of 0 week (T0), 2 weeks (T2), 4 weeks (T3), the 6th week (T4), the 8th week (T5), and the 10th week (T6). The observed parameters were yield value, viscosity, and hedonic test. The gathered data were analyzed, followed by Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) when the result had significant disparity.  The  result of the research showed that RBD PO emulsifier  and coffee bean extract, during the storage, had significant influence on the yield value of Katako butter and the addition of RBD PO  (p<0.01).  Coffee bean extract during the storage had significant influence on the viscosity of Katako butter (p<0.01).    Katako butter is a food product which has high nutritive value, and its physical characteristic is similar to butter. The addition of supplementary ingredients in the process of making it is needed to increase the taste and to prolong the duration of its storage. This research used factorial  RAL (complete design) consisted of 3 factors and 2 repetitions: RBD PO (R) with the composition of 0% (R0), 0.5% (R1), 1% (R2), and 1.5% (R3), coffee bean extract (K) with the composition of 0% (K0), 0.5% (K1), 1% (K2), and 1.5% (K3), length of storage (T) in 0 week (TO), 2 weeks (T2), 4 weeks (T3), the 6th week (T4), the 8th week (T5), and the 10th week (T6). The observed parameter was yield value, viscosity, and hedonic test. The gathered data were analyzed and followed by Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) when the result had significant disparity The result of the research showed that RBD PO emulsifier and coffee bean extract during the storage had significant influence (p<0.01) on yield value of Katako butter, and the addition of RBD PO and coffee bean extract during the storage had significant influence (p<0.01) on the viscosity of Katako butter. Flavor (Taste, Aroma, Texture).

How to Cite
, Martos Havena. Physical Characteristics and Hedonic Value of Katako Butter, Using RBD Palm Oil Emulsifier with Coffee Extract Flavor. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ISLAMIC EDUCATION, [S.l.], p. 221-226, oct. 2019. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 10 mar. 2025.