Character Education In Early Age Children Based On Islamic Views And Teaching Of Rasulullallah SAW

Rita Nofianti;

  • Rita Nofianti


Often we hear news, see children's behavioral events or behavior that violates modesty values, deviant behavior increasingly heard everywhere, moral behavior and immorality increasingly become mass media coverage and electronic media, as noted in the National Commission on Child Protection, a 9-year-old child who is a victim of her mother's violence, and so on. While children's lives at this time cannot be separated from science and technology, creativity and social activities. This has become relevant for implementing character education for early childhood in accordance with Islamic views and the teachings of Rasulaallah SAW. In order to realize good character education in early childhood, schools need to instill social norm values ​​through every activity in school. One way that can be done to shape the character of students is through religious education, one of which is Islam. Through religious education and include examples of good examples of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, early childhood does not only learn the rules of religion but also covers the overall values ​​and norms in society. Islam, which is a perfect religion and an example of the example of Rasulallallah SAW, has fully given human demands, not only in matters of worship but also in the activities of fellow human beings.

How to Cite
, Rita Nofianti. Character Education In Early Age Children Based On Islamic Views And Teaching Of Rasulullallah SAW. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ISLAMIC EDUCATION, [S.l.], p. 259-265, oct. 2019. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 10 mar. 2025.