Impact of Halal Food on Early Childhood Intelligence

Salma Rozana, Abdi Syahrial Harahap;

  • Salma Rozana


The most beautiful gift that is entrusted from God is the child, the child is the mandate and hope of parents, Religion and Nation. The education of children that was first obtained from the family environment to be fostered, was educated to be a healthy and intelligent future generation. In the family environment children should be given halal and healthy food to support their growth and intelligence. In order to support the development of children's intelligence parents need to know and pay attention to the halal food of children. The kinds of food and drinks greatly affect intelligence. Food consumed will produce the energy needed to carry out daily activities and activities of children. Because the normal activities of a child and an adult are very different. Child development in the golden age is very rapid as well as its energy needs every day is different from adults. the activeness of children aged 4-6 years is very fast, the tendency to be more active cannot be silent, therefore it requires a lot of energy that must be absorbed by the child. Smart children can be seen from super activity in every activity of children. Foods that enter many kinds, but need to be aware that what is needed by the child's body to help his intelligence, especially from the food he consumes, of course the types of food and beverages that have good or halal value, in this case the following exposure will provide the right answer. From food consumed greatly affects the intelligence of a child, especially children at the age of 4-6 years or the golden age, the development of which is in desperate need of nutritional intake as a helper in the development process so that children can grow healthy physically and mentally.

How to Cite
, Salma Rozana. Impact of Halal Food on Early Childhood Intelligence. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ISLAMIC EDUCATION, [S.l.], p. 266-275, nov. 2019. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 09 mar. 2025.