Halal Wellness Spa Services Standard In Thailand: Development And Challenges

Tawat Noipom, Mahmood Hayeemad, Aris Hassama, Ruslee Nuh;

  • Tawat Noipom


The need for Halal standards in various emerging industries is a pressing issue in global Halal business. In Halal food industry, significant efforts to harmonise Halal food standards have been going on to nurture the growth of the industry worldwide. Within tourism industry, Halal hotel, restaurant or kitchen, and some other halal standards have been developed and implemented in many countries. To the best of our knowledge, no standard for Halal wellness spa services (Halal spa hereafter) has been developed. This article will therefore discuss the efforts to develop Halal spa services standard in Thailand a country that sees the increase in revenue from this industry. In particular, the current study shall examine the role of various stakeholders in spa and massage industry in the process of the development of Halal spa services standard and describe some important components of the proposed standard. More importantly, the study will highlight key challenges in developing the standard and implement them in the context of Thailand and propose workable solution to the issues. The findings in this study show that various stakeholders have been involved in the drafting process of Halal spa services standard. The standard contains basic criteria and requirements of traditional spa with some additional religious requirements to ensure that the spa services conform Islamic law. Lack of awareness and understanding among stakeholders and lack of qualified human resource at Islamic organisations are the main issues. Various training, promotional and communicational activities need to be done to rectify the problems. The findings in this study will not only contribute to the literature on Halal standard for spa, but does also pave the way for the expansion of Halal industry in Muslim and non-Muslim countries alike.

How to Cite
, Tawat Noipom. Halal Wellness Spa Services Standard In Thailand: Development And Challenges. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ISLAMIC EDUCATION, [S.l.], p. 287-292, nov. 2019. Available at: <https://jurnal.pancabudi.ac.id/index.php/ihce/article/view/641>. Date accessed: 10 mar. 2025.