The Concept Of Early Childhood Education According To Al-Ghazali


  • Tumiran


Islamic education can be interpreted as guidance toward spiritual growth and physical fitness according to the teachings of Islam with wisdom direct, teach, train, nurture and supervise the introduction of all Islamic teachings it contains notions of effort affect the soul of the student through the process of sake-level a notch towards the goals set forth, namely  instill piety and morals as well as uphold the truth so that the resulting human berpribadi and virtuous according the teachings of Islam. The child is a mandate in the hands of both his parents, his heart is clean is the precious gems, innocent and free from all kinds of engravings and descriptions. Children born in pemeliharaanorangtua and raised in the family. Parents without any ruling directly shoulder the task as educators, both are as keepers, as a caregiver, as a supervisor, as a builder or as a teacher and leader against his sons. Education is an important thing that should not be missing from our attention to it. This activity is the effort of generation-next generation solid efforts on people holding his loyalties as a living creature to his Lord. To achieve that goal it takes a form of a learning methodology that leads directly on the formation of a loyal personal religion and the theologically and humanist.  This study aims, to do penganalisaan on various aspects of early childhood education, especially in Islamic education studies or approaches, as well as to know the concept of early childhood education in the perspective of Islamic education.   A concept offered by Al-Ghazali that starts from the formation of the morals of al-kariimah in a child's learning system as the basis for the formation of a strong believer ' ilman, jisman and spiritually.

How to Cite
, Tumiran. The Concept Of Early Childhood Education According To Al-Ghazali. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ISLAMIC EDUCATION, [S.l.], p. 293-296, nov. 2019. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 10 mar. 2025.