The Human Rights In Islamic Perspective

Zulfi Imran, Ismaidar;

  • Zulfi Imran


The concept of human rights that naturally appear on abd-17th as a defense force of absolute power. The results of the movement influenced by Rousseau and others this is an amalgamation of various human rights tercanangkan on some of Constitution of the various countries and finally embodied in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) by the United Nations on January 10, 1948. Human rights (human rights) is not a new term in contemporary society. Today the community is getting familiar with those terms. Good community top level or lower level began to familiar problems to discuss human rights. The media to be one of the factors the more familiar term. The human rights recognized in the various Abrahamic religion although with different terms, is no exception. Islam strongly upholds the rights of every human being, though in practice there are sufficient differences between the striking HUMAN RIGHTS according to Islam and human rights according to the West. The differences are sometimes be polemic and become material for attacking Muslims. Although in reality the difference is not a great problem, since it Islam in Holy Book with clear respect for human rights.

How to Cite
, Zulfi Imran. The Human Rights In Islamic Perspective. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ISLAMIC EDUCATION, [S.l.], p. 308-314, nov. 2019. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 10 feb. 2025.