Stock Investment in Islamic Perspective

Fitri Yani Panggabean;

  • Fitri Yani Panggabean


The economic development of a country cannot be separated from the development of the capital market with stock investment. The advancement of science and technology has had a positive impact on many aspects, especially in the financial aspects that aim to make ends meet by making much investment. Investment is a commitment to several funds or other resources that are carried out at present with the expectation of future profits. Islamic economics requires halal economic activities, both products that become objects, how they are acquired, and how they are used. Islamic economics aims to fulfill the needs of humans in the world and life after death. Also, the principle of Islamic investment must also be carried out without coercion, fairness and the transaction rests on production and services activities that are not prohibited by Islam, including free manipulation and speculation.

How to Cite
, Fitri Yani Panggabean. Stock Investment in Islamic Perspective. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF ISLAMIC EDUCATION, [S.l.], p. 382-387, jan. 2020. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 10 mar. 2025.