Research problems, limited ability of employees to complete work, decreased employee performance, employee performance is not optimal and employees do not understand the job. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of workload on employee performance. To determine the effect of leadership style on employee performance and to determine the effect of workload and leadership style on employee performance inPT. Perkebunan Nusantara III (Persero) Medan. The research approach is an associative and quantitative approach.In determining this sample, using the Slovin formula in determining the number of samples selected. TThe data collection technique used is a questionnaire.To test the quality of the questionnaire, validity and reliability tests were used. The analytical technique used in this research is quantitative data analysis.Based on the partial test results, the effect of workload and leadership style on employee performance shows that tcount is greater than ttable. From these results it can be concluded that Ha is accepted (Ho is rejected). Based on the test results, the value shows that Fcount is greater than Ftable, meaning Ho is rejected so it can be concluded that there is a significant influence between workload and leadership style on employee performance. And the R-Square value of the Y variable (employee performance) can be explained by the workload variable (X1) and leadership style (X2) on employee performance (Y) and the rest is influenced by other variables not examined.
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