The problem of this study is, this study aims to find out and analyze work discipline and job training that affect employee performance at PT. Tamarind Medan. Of the several problems that exist in PT. Asam Jawa Medan, the author limits the problem of Work Discipline and Job Training. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of Work Discipline and Job Training on the Performance of PT. Tamarind Medan. The research used in this study is a Quantitative approach. In determining the sample , this study used a saturated technique where all populations were sampled. The data collection technique used in this study is a questionnaire (Questionnaire), to analyze the data and information needed , the author uses data techniques where hypothesis testing is used after going through stages such as distributing questionnaires. To test the quality of the questionnaire using the Validity and Reliability Test. The analysis technique used in this study is a Quantitative data analysis technique, which uses the calculation of numbers and then draws conclusions from the test with Multiple Linear Regression, Classical assumptions, Persial Test (t), Simultaneous (f), between Work discipline and Job training Against Employee Performance shows t count greater than ttable of such results that Ha is captured and Ho is rejected. Based on the test results of the value showing Fcount is greater than Ftable, Ho is rejected so it can be concluded that there is a significant overwriting between disciplines job and job training on karywan values. R-Square Value Variable Y (Employee performance) can be explained by the variables of work discipline (X1), Job training (X2), against employee performance (Y), and the rest is influenced by variables that tidal researched.
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