• Kiki Hardiansyah Siregar Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi
  • Bakhtiar Efendi Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi
  • Nazamuddin Ritonga UIN Sultan Syarif


This paper explains the inequality of income and Sumatra regional financial inclusion index in Islamic banks post-COVID-19. This study measure, analyze and map the Financial Inclusion Index (FII) in Islamic bank by index determining in each province in Sumatra with estimating the effectiveness of financial inclusion strategies in Islamic banks to reduce income inequality in Sumatra by calculating of Human Development Index (HDI), Gender-related Development Index (GDI), Human Poverty Index (HPI), and the Availability of Banking Service (ABS) and Usability of Banking Services (UBS) dimension. Policymakers can use this measurement to observe Islamic financial contribution to reduce the income inequality as a National Economic Recovery Program and restore the conditions of priority segments of financial inclusion affected by the pandemic. The results indicated the value of FII in Islamic banks in Sumatra was low and not evenly distributed. Cross-correlation analysis showed a positive correlation between the financial inclusion index and the Gini index. This means the inequality of income contributes to the low value of FII. And the determinant of increasing inequality in the region of Sumatra is the limited access to the financial sector, especially for low-income households. This study recommends policymakers observe poverty alleviation programs, such as establishing a formal zakat department and opening Islamic bank branches at the regional level, which are expected to stabilize the financial system and encourage national economic recovery.

Author Biographies

Kiki Hardiansyah Siregar, Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi

Ekonomi Pembangunan

Bakhtiar Efendi, Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi

Ekonomi Pembangunan

Nazamuddin Ritonga, UIN Sultan Syarif

Ekonomi Islam


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How to Cite
SIREGAR, Kiki Hardiansyah; EFENDI, Bakhtiar; RITONGA, Nazamuddin. DISEQUILIBRIUM PENDAPATAN DAN INDEKS INKLUSI KEUANGAN DAERAH PROVINSI DI SUMATERA PASCA COVID-19: SKENARIO BANK UMUM SYARIAH. Jurnal Kajian Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Publik (JEpa), [S.l.], v. 7, n. 1, p. 122-135, jan. 2022. ISSN 2527-2772. Available at: <https://jurnal.pancabudi.ac.id/index.php/jepa/article/view/3993>. Date accessed: 22 feb. 2025.