Era Ekonomi Baru Terhadap Potensi Pengembangan Wilayah Untuk Memperkuat Ketahanan Pangan Sampai Tahun 2025

Annisa Ilmi Faried Lubis; Rahmad Sembiring; Wahyu Indah Sari;

  • Annisa Ilmi Faried Lubis Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi
  • Rahmad Sembiring Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi
  • Wahyu Indah Sari Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi


To increase and enlarge job opportunities for communities in the region as a destination of regional economic development, so local governments and communities should jointly take the initiative to utilize all the potential that exists optimally to build the area to create the welfare of the community and influence the economic growth of the region. This research is the economic potential in supporting regional development, where economic potentials have indicators: distance analysis, LQ analysis, Schalogram analysis, settlement pattern analysis, and Shift Share analysis. Using the primary data is done by an interview with the Government (district and Sub-district) and the second group is an interview with the community members especially on the region that became the center of Development and using the survey method. Meanwhile, for secondary data, data collected from various sources obtained from several government offices associated with it are Bappeda, BPS, District Berastagi. The results of this research district with hierarchy II has 5 (five) base sectors, namely: a) the electricity and drinking water sector has LQ of 1.1952; b). The building/ construction sector has an LQ of 1.12204, C). The trading sector, Hotel, and Restaurant have the LQ of 1.1490, D). The financial sector, rental, and company services have an LQ of 1.2180 and LQ of 1.12260. Need serious planning from the government in conducting infrastructure improvements, especially the means of transportation that has only relied on the main arterial road to be optimized repair and development of the Collector Road to connect with the road of Primair and seam arteries to support the dots of household industry and small industries located around Berastagi, because the area is very well known with thousands of home industries.

How to Cite
LUBIS, Annisa Ilmi Faried; SEMBIRING, Rahmad; SARI, Wahyu Indah. Era Ekonomi Baru Terhadap Potensi Pengembangan Wilayah Untuk Memperkuat Ketahanan Pangan Sampai Tahun 2025. Jurnal Kajian Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Publik (JEpa), [S.l.], v. 5, n. 1, p. 22-33, may 2020. ISSN 2527-2772. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 15 jan. 2025.