Tourism is one of the strengths of economic development in the service business sector which continues to grow and develop. People see vacations as a necessity, and not as a luxury in the current scenario. Tourist visits continue to increase, both from foreign and local. The relationship between Destination Loyalty and Customer Engagement, where Destination Loyalty is translated as customer loyalty to a destination, and Customer Engagement is translated as customer involvement or attachment to a destination, Destination Loyalty (Loyalty to tourist destinations), where tourists give more positive behavior towards halal tourist destinations and intend to revise and whether Customer Engagement has a positive and significant effect on Destination Loyalty. The type of research used in this research is explanatory research. The location of the research will be in Borobudur Temple, Prambanan Temple, Semarang Old Town, Merapi-Merbabu Nature Tourism and Kasunanan Solo Palace, Central Java Province. and the Excellence of Halal Tourism in the region, and Central Java as the flagship of the Halal Tourism Area. The research method used is Validity Test, Reliability Test, descriptive analysis, Inferential Statistics, and Structural Equetion Model.