• Tri Yaninta Ginting Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi


Cultivating sweet corn plants using chemical fertilizers continuously can cause soil damage where the organic content in the soil decreases due to an imbalance of nutrients in the soil. The farming method that can be done to increase fertility and add nutrients to the soil in a way that is safe for the soil and the ecosystem and can increase sweet corn production is by planting it using organic fertilizers. The right way that can be done to increase the growth response of sweet corn plants is by applying dry organic fertilizer from cow manure and liquid organic fertilizer from coconut water. Therefore it need a study that can examine the growth response of sweet corn plants with the treatment of these two organic fertilizers. This research was conducted by using a factorial randomized block design consisting of 2 factors with 16 combinations and 32 treatment plots. The first factor was liquid organic fertilizer from coconut water (P) which consisted of 4 levels, namely: 1) P0: 0 ml/ plot, 2) P1: 200 ml/ plot, 3) P2: 400 ml/ plot and 4) P3: 600 ml/ plot plot. The second factor was dry organic fertilizer from cow manure (K) which consists of 4 levels, namely: 1) K0: 0 kg/ plot, 2) K1: 1 kg/ plot, 3) K2: 2 kg/ plot and 4) K3: 3 kg/ plots. The parameters that were tested in this study were plant height, the length of fruit cob, and the weight of fruit per sample. The results showed that the treatment of dry organic fertilizer from cow manure and liquid organic fertilizer from coconut water had a significant effect on the growth of sweet corn plants. the best response to growth of sweet corn plant in tested parameters like the height of plant, the length of fruit cob, and the weight of fruit per sample was found in the treatment of 600 ml/ plot (P3) liquid organic fertilizer from coconut water and 3 kg/ plot (K3) dry organic fertilizer from cow manure.

Author Biography

Tri Yaninta Ginting, Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi

Agrotechnology Departement


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How to Cite
GINTING, Tri Yaninta. GROWTH RESPONSE OF SWEET CORN PLANTS (Zea mays saccarata L.) TO THE TREATMENT OF DRY ORGANIC FERTILIZER FROM COW MANURE AND LIQUID ORGANIC FERTILIZER FROM COCONUT WATER. Proceeding International Conference Keputeraan Prof. H. Kadirun Yahya, [S.l.], v. 1, n. 1, p. 310-320, aug. 2022. ISSN 2961-7960. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 23 feb. 2025.