• Sri Mahareni Br Sitepu Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi


Sweet corn is a food crop that is in great demand by the public because it has a sweeter taste than ordinary corn. Sweet corn contains a higher sugar content (5 ± 6%) than ordinary corn (2 ± 3%), harvests faster, on average 60-70 days after planting and has high economic value. Increasing the production of sweet corn can be done by improving cultivation techniques, including by improving fertilization. Improvement of fertilization can be done by adding organic matter. This study used a factorial randomized block design (RBD). The first factor was goat manure (K0) = 0 kg/plot, (K1) = 2.4 kg/plot, (K2) = 4.8 kg/plot, and (K3) = 7.2 kg/plot. The second factor was the POC of rice washing water with shallot skin (A0) = 0 ml/plot, (A1) = 600 ml/plot, (A2) = 700 ml/plot and (A3) = 800 ml/plot. The parameters observed in this study were the number of cobs/plants (cob), and cob weight (g). The results showed that the application of goat manure had no effect on the number of cobs/plants (cobs) and had a significant effect on cob weight (g). The best observed parameter results for sweet corn plants were found in the K3 treatment = 7.2 kg/plot. POC administration of rice washing water with shallot skins did not affect all observation parameters. The best results were found in the 800 ml/plot POC treatment.

Author Biography

Sri Mahareni Br Sitepu, Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi

Agrotechnology Departement


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How to Cite
BR SITEPU, Sri Mahareni. TEST OF GOAT MANURE ORGANIC FERTILIZER AND POC OF RICE WASHING WATER WITH SHALLOT SKIN ON INCREASING PRODUCTION OF SWEET CORN (Zea mays saccharata Sturt). Proceeding International Conference Keputeraan Prof. H. Kadirun Yahya, [S.l.], v. 1, n. 1, p. 321-325, aug. 2022. ISSN 2961-7960. Available at: <https://jurnal.pancabudi.ac.id/index.php/keputeraan/article/view/4372>. Date accessed: 23 feb. 2025.