• Nindya Sari Universitas Mahkota Tricom Unggul
  • Amin Hou Universitas Mahkota Tricom Unggul
  • Really Ponten Pranata Universitas Mahkota Tricom Unggul
  • Nasib Nasib Universitas Mahkota Tricom Unggul
  • Ahmad Fadli Universitas Mahkota Tricom Unggul
  • Rusiadi Rusiadi Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi


This research is motivated by a decrease in the volume of fish sales at PT. Assa Belawan from 2016 to 2020. This decline has resulted in the emergence of new competitors who produce similar products so some buyers switch to competing products. This study aims to identify, describe and analyze the problem of how product quality influences purchasing decisions through brand image (brand image). The research method used in this study is a quantitative method technique by taking samples by Non-Probability Sampling, amounting to 53 respondents. The data analysis technique used is multiple regression analysis which was previously tested with classical assumptions. The results showed that there was a direct positive and significant influence between product quality (X) on the brand image (Z) with the relationship Z = 0.8563X + e 1. Based on path analysis there was a positive and significant effect between product quality (X) on decision purchase (Y) through Brand image (Z) with the relationship Y = 0.4041X + 0.4527Z + e2. Based on the value of the determination of the relationship between the effect of product quality on the brand image can be explained by 73.33% and the rest can be explained by other variables.

Author Biographies

Nindya Sari, Universitas Mahkota Tricom Unggul

Management Department

Amin Hou, Universitas Mahkota Tricom Unggul

Management Department

Really Ponten Pranata, Universitas Mahkota Tricom Unggul

Digital Business Department

Nasib Nasib, Universitas Mahkota Tricom Unggul

Management Department

Ahmad Fadli, Universitas Mahkota Tricom Unggul

Management Department

Rusiadi Rusiadi, Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi

Master Program in Economics


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How to Cite
SARI, Nindya et al. INFLUENCE ON PRODUCT QUALITY BUYING DECISIONS THROUGH BRAND IMAGES AT PT. ASSA BELAWAN. Proceeding International Conference Keputeraan Prof. H. Kadirun Yahya, [S.l.], v. 1, n. 1, p. 385-395, aug. 2022. ISSN 2961-7960. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 07 mar. 2025.