Selang Waktu Antara Melahirkan Sampai Dengan Terjadinya Kebuntingan Ternak Domba Di Kecamatan Stabat

  • Sukma Aditya Sitepu University Pembangunan Panca Budi Medan


The success of the Artificial Insemination program in sheep is influenced by the evaluation system of its implementation. The more efficient the reproductive performance of the ewes, the more profitable the livestock business will be. The purpose of this study was to determine the reproductive efficiency of artificially inseminated sheep in Langkat Regency by observing the length of estrus after birth, first mating after birth, service period, days open, service per conception and lambing interval. The research hypothesis is that there is an effect of the reproductive efficiency of sheep on the production of livestock breeds. The material used in the study was female sheep (brothers) who were artificially inseminated using frozen semen. Data were obtained through interviews with sheep breeders. Data were analyzed descriptively. Parameters observed were length of estrus after birth, first marriage after birth, service period, days open, service per conception and symbol interval. The results showed that the average value of observing the length of estrus after birth was 38.00 ± 7.00 days, the average first marriage after birth was 90.21 ± 11.32 days, the average service period was 65.66 ± 11.53 days, the average days open is 100.49 ± 10.22, the average Service per Conception (S/C) is 1.30 ± 0.20 times and the average Lambing Interval is 255.11 ± 0.91. The conclusion of the study is that the reproductive efficiency of artificial insemination of sheep in Langkat Regency is still normal. However, maintenance management needs to be improved, especially feed to accelerate pregnancy in sheep. Keywords: Days Open, Reproductive Efficiency, Artificial Insemination, Sheep,


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How to Cite
SITEPU, Sukma Aditya. Selang Waktu Antara Melahirkan Sampai Dengan Terjadinya Kebuntingan Ternak Domba Di Kecamatan Stabat. Scenario (Seminar of Social Sciences Engineering and Humaniora), [S.l.], p. 606 - 612, sep. 2022. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 23 feb. 2025.