Khilafah Islamiyah Versus Pancasila Studi Ideologi dan Penerapannya Di Indonesia

  • Indra Utama Tanjung University Pembangunan Panca Budi Medan
  • Muhammad Juang Rambe University Pembangunan Panca Budi Medan


Islamic Caliphate versus Pancasila: A Study of Ideology and Its Implementation in Indonesia The study aims to examine the ideology and implementation of Islamic Caliphate and Pancasila in Indonesia. The research is qualitative and comparative in nature, focusing on the similarities and differences between the two ideologies. The data was collected through various sources, including books, journal articles, and news articles, and analyzed using content analysis. The results show that Islamic Caliphate and Pancasila have different ideologies and values, with Islamic Caliphate emphasizing the unity of the Islamic community and the establishment of a caliphate based on Islamic law, while Pancasila emphasizes the principles of unity, justice, and democracy. The implementation of these ideologies is also different, with Pancasila being the official state ideology of Indonesia and serving as the basis for the country's political and legal systems, while the implementation of Islamic Caliphate is limited and mainly found in religious and cultural organizations. The study concludes that while both ideologies have different origins and values, they both aim to promote unity and justice in society. However, Pancasila has a more comprehensive approach, encompassing a wider range of values and principles, and is more widely accepted and implemented in Indonesia. The study highlights the importance of understanding and appreciating the different ideologies that shape the political and cultural landscape of a country. Keywords : Khilafah, Pancasila, Indonesia


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How to Cite
TANJUNG, Indra Utama; RAMBE, Muhammad Juang. Khilafah Islamiyah Versus Pancasila Studi Ideologi dan Penerapannya Di Indonesia. Scenario (Seminar of Social Sciences Engineering and Humaniora), [S.l.], p. 391-404, apr. 2023. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 23 feb. 2025.