Household electrical installations over time have changed both in quality and quantity. The decreasing quality of electrical installations and changes in the quantity of load points greatly affect the feasibility of electrical installations and the safety of the wearer. This study was conducted with the aim of knowing the percentage level of feasibility of household electrical installations and the factors that cause unfitness of household electrical installations. This research is a qualitative research study using a descriptive approach conducted in Klambir V Village, Hamparan Peraak District, Deli Serdang Regency. The object studied was 20 houses with the sampling technique used in this study using random sampling technique. The instruments used are observation, interview and documentation. The data obtained from this study is the percentage level of household electrical installations in Klambir V Village, Hamparan Peraak District, Deli Serdang Regency The value of soil resistance is still quite large and is categorized as "not feasible" for a grounding system used by a building. soil content or soil resisitance is still 7.91 ohms and the electrode rod uses 1 rod. Keywords: Sockets, Electrical Installation, grounding
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