Proceedings Of The International Seminar
Vol 1 No 1 (2019)International Seminar with the theme "The Digital Economy Era: The Application of E-Commerce Taxes in Asean Countries, Indonesia-Malaysia" discusses the Implementation of VAT and PPh on E-Commerce Trading, E-Commerce Tax Contributions to the Income Taxes in Indonesia, Implementing Tax Law On E-Commerce Tax, Use Of E-Commerce In Infrastructure Development Against The Acceptance Of State Taxes, E-Commerce Trading Strategy In The Digital Global Era". Study of E-Commerce Taxes in ASEAN Countries in these writings, among others, discuss Taxation, Accounting, Economic Development and Management in ASEAN Countries. Hoping for the future, Panca Budi Medan Development University becomes the E-Commerce Taxes In Asean Countries Education and Training Institute which can increase Tax Revenue so that economic growth and economic development also increase equally.