Peran Human Capital Management Dalam Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Suatu Negara
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pentingnya peran Human Capital dalam Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Suatu negara. Metode kualitatif yang dilakukan berdasarkan pencarian komprehensif dari berbagai database terkemuka telah digunakan untuk tujuan penelitian ini. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan human capital sangat penting dalam pertumbuhan ekonomi. Pentingnya penelitian untuk pertumbuhan ekonomi dalam suatu negara mempunyai tujuan untuk mengurangi kemiskinan, ketimpangan, pengangguran, dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan rakyat. Pemerintah terus menghadapi tantangan ekonomi, antara lain jumlah tenaga kerja meningkat, populasi yang bertambah, kualitas sumber daya manusia, dan produktivitas daya yang rendah.
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Abbas, Qaisar, and Eshya Mujahid-Mukhtar. 2000. The Role of Human Capital in Economic Growth: Comparative Study of Pakistan and India (with Comments). The Pakistan Development Review:451-473.
Athosra dan Muhyiddin. 2009. The Role of Human Capital on Regional Economic Growth in Indonesia. Journal of Development Planning, Edition: 02/Tahun XV, 2009.
Baron, Angela. & Armstrong, Muchael. 2013. Human Capital Management: Konsep dan Implementasi. PPM Jakarta
Becker, Gary S. 2019. Human Capital and Empirical Analysis with Special Reference to Education 3rd Edition. The University of Chicago, Chicago.
Boztosun, Dervis, Semra aksoylu, Zubeyde Senturk, Ulucak. 2016. The Role of Human Capital in Economic Groeth. Erciyes University, Kayseri, Turkey.
Fleisherm Belton, Haizheng Li, and Min Qiang Zhao. 2010. Human Capital, Economic Growth, and Regional Inequality in China. Journal of Development Economics 92.2 (2010): 215-231.
Galor, Oded, Omer Moav, and Dietrich Vollrath, 2009. Inequality in Landownership, the Emergence of Human Capital Promoting Institutions, and the Great Divergence. The Rewiew of Economic Studies 76.1 (2009): 143- 179.
Güneş, S. 2005. Turkiye de nufus artisinin ekonomik buyumeyle iliskisi uzerine ekonomietrik bir analiz. Ankara Universitesi SBF Dergizi, 60(3), 123-136.
Haldar, Sushil Kumar, and Girijasankar Mallik. 2010. Does Human Capital Cause Economic Growth? A Case Study of India. International Journal of Economics Sciences & Applied Research 3.1.
Hanushek, Eric A., and Ludger Wobmann. 2013. The Role of Education Quality for Economic Growth. The World Bank.
Healy, Tom, and Cote, Sylvain. 2001. The Well Being of Nations: The role of Human and Social Capital. Education and Skills. Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, 2 rue Andre Pascal, F75775 Paris Cedex 16, France. Kuratko, Donald F. 2008. Entrepreneurship, Theory Process Practice.South- Western, USA.
Kar. M. & Agir, H. 2006. Turkiye de beseri sermaye ve ekonomik buytime iliskisi: Esbutunlesme yaklasmi ile nedensellik testi. 1926-1994. Selcuk Universitesi.1.1. B.F. Sosyal ve Ekonomik Arastirmolar Dergisi. 6(11), 51-69.
Karatas, M., & Cankaya, F. 2010. Iktisadi kalkinma surecinde beseri sermayeye iliskin bir inceleme. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitusi Dergisi, 2(3), 29-55.
Knight, John, and Linda Yueh. 2008. The Role of Social Capital in The Labour Market in China 1. Economic of Transition 16.3(2008): 389-414.
Kwon, Dse-Bong. 2009. Human capital and its measurement. The 3rd OECD World on Statistics, Knowledge and Policy, Changing Progress, Building Visions. Improving Life.
Pelinescu, Elena. 2015. The impact of human capital on economic growth. 2nd International Conference ‘Economic scientific Research-Theoretical, Empirical and Practical’, ESPERA, 13-14 November 2014, Bucharest, Romania.
Prida, Aviani. 2011. Pengaruh Investasi Sumber Daya Manusia Terhadap Human Capital Dan Implikasinya Terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Kabupaten/Kota Garut Periode 1989-2009, Respository UPI.
Saepudin, Tete. 2013. Pertumbuhan Modal Manusia dan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Antar Daerah di Indonesia. Seminar Nasional: Optimisme Ekonomi Indonesia 2013, antara Peluang dan Tantangan
Sedarmayanti, Aan Komariah, Dedy Achmad Kurniadi, dan Tetty Sufianti Zafar. 2020. Membangun dan Mengembangkan Human Capital Unggul Melalui Pendidikan, Kinerja, dan Produktivitas Kerja di Era Industri 4.0. Refika Aditama, Bandung.
Self, Sharmistha, and Richard Grabowski. 2004. Does Education at All Levels Cause Growth? India, a Case Study. Economic of Education Review 23.1 (2004):47-55.
Sharma, Pooja. 2019. Role of Human Capital in Economic Growth: A Comparative Study of India and China.
Torrech Jr. Jose Rolando. 2018. The Role of Human Capital and Innovative Entrepreneurship in Developing Country. Melbourne Florida.
Tsen, W.H. 2006. Granger causality tests among openness to international trade, human capital accumulation and economic growth in China: 1952-1999. International Economic Journal, 20(3), 285-302.
Uno, Sandiaga Salahuddin. 2020. The Effects of Entrepreneurial Values and Entrepreneurial Orientation, with Environmental Dynamism and Resource Availability as Moderating Variables, on the Financial Performance and Its Impacts on Firms’ Future Intention: Empirical Evidences from Indonesian State- Owned Enterprises. Universitas Pelita Harapan, Tangerang, Banten.
Wei, C.H.I. 2008. The Role of Human Capital in China’s Economic Development: Review and New Evidence. China Economic Review 19.3 (2008): 421-436.
Yumusak, I.G. 2008. Beseri semayenin iktisadi unemi ve turkiye nin beseri sermaye potansiyeli. Sosyal Siyaset Konferanslari Dergisi, 53, 3-48.
Zhang, Chuanguo, and Lihuan Zhuang. 2011. The Composition of Human Capital and Economic Growth: Evidence from China Using Dynamic Panel Data Analysis. China Economic Review 22.1(2011): 165-171.
Athosra dan Muhyiddin. 2009. The Role of Human Capital on Regional Economic Growth in Indonesia. Journal of Development Planning, Edition: 02/Tahun XV, 2009.
Baron, Angela. & Armstrong, Muchael. 2013. Human Capital Management: Konsep dan Implementasi. PPM Jakarta
Becker, Gary S. 2019. Human Capital and Empirical Analysis with Special Reference to Education 3rd Edition. The University of Chicago, Chicago.
Boztosun, Dervis, Semra aksoylu, Zubeyde Senturk, Ulucak. 2016. The Role of Human Capital in Economic Groeth. Erciyes University, Kayseri, Turkey.
Fleisherm Belton, Haizheng Li, and Min Qiang Zhao. 2010. Human Capital, Economic Growth, and Regional Inequality in China. Journal of Development Economics 92.2 (2010): 215-231.
Galor, Oded, Omer Moav, and Dietrich Vollrath, 2009. Inequality in Landownership, the Emergence of Human Capital Promoting Institutions, and the Great Divergence. The Rewiew of Economic Studies 76.1 (2009): 143- 179.
Güneş, S. 2005. Turkiye de nufus artisinin ekonomik buyumeyle iliskisi uzerine ekonomietrik bir analiz. Ankara Universitesi SBF Dergizi, 60(3), 123-136.
Haldar, Sushil Kumar, and Girijasankar Mallik. 2010. Does Human Capital Cause Economic Growth? A Case Study of India. International Journal of Economics Sciences & Applied Research 3.1.
Hanushek, Eric A., and Ludger Wobmann. 2013. The Role of Education Quality for Economic Growth. The World Bank.
Healy, Tom, and Cote, Sylvain. 2001. The Well Being of Nations: The role of Human and Social Capital. Education and Skills. Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, 2 rue Andre Pascal, F75775 Paris Cedex 16, France. Kuratko, Donald F. 2008. Entrepreneurship, Theory Process Practice.South- Western, USA.
Kar. M. & Agir, H. 2006. Turkiye de beseri sermaye ve ekonomik buytime iliskisi: Esbutunlesme yaklasmi ile nedensellik testi. 1926-1994. Selcuk Universitesi.1.1. B.F. Sosyal ve Ekonomik Arastirmolar Dergisi. 6(11), 51-69.
Karatas, M., & Cankaya, F. 2010. Iktisadi kalkinma surecinde beseri sermayeye iliskin bir inceleme. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitusi Dergisi, 2(3), 29-55.
Knight, John, and Linda Yueh. 2008. The Role of Social Capital in The Labour Market in China 1. Economic of Transition 16.3(2008): 389-414.
Kwon, Dse-Bong. 2009. Human capital and its measurement. The 3rd OECD World on Statistics, Knowledge and Policy, Changing Progress, Building Visions. Improving Life.
Pelinescu, Elena. 2015. The impact of human capital on economic growth. 2nd International Conference ‘Economic scientific Research-Theoretical, Empirical and Practical’, ESPERA, 13-14 November 2014, Bucharest, Romania.
Prida, Aviani. 2011. Pengaruh Investasi Sumber Daya Manusia Terhadap Human Capital Dan Implikasinya Terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Kabupaten/Kota Garut Periode 1989-2009, Respository UPI.
Saepudin, Tete. 2013. Pertumbuhan Modal Manusia dan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Antar Daerah di Indonesia. Seminar Nasional: Optimisme Ekonomi Indonesia 2013, antara Peluang dan Tantangan
Sedarmayanti, Aan Komariah, Dedy Achmad Kurniadi, dan Tetty Sufianti Zafar. 2020. Membangun dan Mengembangkan Human Capital Unggul Melalui Pendidikan, Kinerja, dan Produktivitas Kerja di Era Industri 4.0. Refika Aditama, Bandung.
Self, Sharmistha, and Richard Grabowski. 2004. Does Education at All Levels Cause Growth? India, a Case Study. Economic of Education Review 23.1 (2004):47-55.
Sharma, Pooja. 2019. Role of Human Capital in Economic Growth: A Comparative Study of India and China.
Torrech Jr. Jose Rolando. 2018. The Role of Human Capital and Innovative Entrepreneurship in Developing Country. Melbourne Florida.
Tsen, W.H. 2006. Granger causality tests among openness to international trade, human capital accumulation and economic growth in China: 1952-1999. International Economic Journal, 20(3), 285-302.
Uno, Sandiaga Salahuddin. 2020. The Effects of Entrepreneurial Values and Entrepreneurial Orientation, with Environmental Dynamism and Resource Availability as Moderating Variables, on the Financial Performance and Its Impacts on Firms’ Future Intention: Empirical Evidences from Indonesian State- Owned Enterprises. Universitas Pelita Harapan, Tangerang, Banten.
Wei, C.H.I. 2008. The Role of Human Capital in China’s Economic Development: Review and New Evidence. China Economic Review 19.3 (2008): 421-436.
Yumusak, I.G. 2008. Beseri semayenin iktisadi unemi ve turkiye nin beseri sermaye potansiyeli. Sosyal Siyaset Konferanslari Dergisi, 53, 3-48.
Zhang, Chuanguo, and Lihuan Zhuang. 2011. The Composition of Human Capital and Economic Growth: Evidence from China Using Dynamic Panel Data Analysis. China Economic Review 22.1(2011): 165-171.
How to Cite
GINTING, Rizky Sahputra; RIZKY, M. Chaerul.
Peran Human Capital Management Dalam Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Suatu Negara.
JUMANT, [S.l.], v. 14, n. 1, p. 19-26, jan. 2025.
ISSN 2088-3145. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 19 feb. 2025.